We the Living

A support group for those that have lost loved ones to suicide.

Who we are

We are a peer-based support group for those that have lost loved ones to suicide. We meet monthly in Fort Wayne, and there are no costs to attend. All discussions are confidential.

Age requirement is 16+ (for Teen support, visit Grounded Hope).

All facilitators have been trained in YMHFA (Youth Mental Health First Aid), QPR (Question Persuade Refer) and other relevant trainings. We have a licensed K-12 educator on staff as well.

How to reach us


Jennifer Barnes Head Facilitator

(260) 450-1702
Call or Text

Email Watch Her Stories

Brianna Harris Green Facilitator

(260) 431-7178
Call or Text


Sandy Droste Facilitator

(260) 341-8040
Call or Text


What to Expect

Not sure what to expect in a meeting?
Have some anxiety about attending a support group?
Watch this video.

Where we meet

In Person

When: 7-9PM | 2nd Wednesday of every month

Where: Peggy F. Murphy Grief Center
5910 Homestead Rd, Fort Wayne, IN 46814


Please contact us about this option.



Rascall Flatts - Every 40 Seconds Someone Asks ... Why?

The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention funds research, education and treatment programs aimed at the prevention of suicide. The AFSP also hosts the Out of the Darkness walks.

The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) is a nonprofit, grassroots, self-help, support and advocacy organization of consumers, families, and friends of people with severe mental illnesses.

Sexual Assault/Domestic Violence Help

Sex Trafficking/Human Trafficking

Indiana Child Abuse Hotline (DCS)
National Human Trafficking Hotline
(888) 373-7888
or Text 'HELP" or 'INFO' to 233733

Teen Resources


Call 988
Youthline/Teen Peer to-Peer Help (teens are available to chat 8pm-2am EST)
Text 404949 to 741741 or
TEEN2TEEN to 830803


The Mom of an Addict (260) 209-4686
Online and in-person support groups for those struggling or their families.

LGBTQ+ Community

Trevor Project Lifeline 1-866-488-7386
Text: 1-202-304-1200

Trans Lifeline 1-877-565-8860

LGBTQ National Hotline 1-888-843-4564

Local Support Group: Center for Non-Violence (260) 456-4112 or (260) 702-9740 ext 115

Local Support Groups: info@3RiversWellness.com

Support for Families

The Journey Teen and young adult mentoring program Peer-to-peer support, life, and work skill groups. Meet on Thursdays and provide free transportation.

